2023, No. 5


 2022-2023 Peking University Cultural Industry Research Institute
Salon for Visiting Scholars Successfully Held
On the afternoon of May 21, 2023, the "2022-2023 Salon for Visiting Scholars of Peking University Institute of Cultural Industries" was held on the first floor of No.51 Courtyard, Yannan Park. The salon was hosted by Dean Xiang Yong. Nine visiting teachers from nine universities across China made keynote speeches and discussions on topics such as aesthetic education, rural construction, cultural tourism, design, museums, digital creativity and so on. In addition, there were more than ten MFA and PhD students and visiting teachers from the College of Art Class of 2021 attending the salon. Through the salon, the visiting teachers summarized their visit and showed their visiting research to everyone, and also enhanced the communication with each other. Prof. Xiang Yong gave constructive comments on each teacher's topic selection from a professional point of view, which provided ideas for the teachers to further improve their research. In the process of communication, he also shared his own research experience for everyone, and very much expected the teachers to continue to deepen their research field and achieve high-level research results.


责任编辑:孟繁一任丽宇                                   本期执笔:王韶菡





